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Enhancing Farm Connectivity: The Backbone of Modern Agriculture

Deepak Vasisht, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, UIUC

This session will delve into the critical role of connectivity in modern farming. Deepak will explore the various technologies enabling seamless communication between farm equipment, sensors, and management systems. Attendees will learn about the latest advancements in IoT, satellite, and wireless communication technologies that are transforming the agricultural landscape.

Farm Safety for Youth: Keeping the Next Generation Safe

Children and teens make up a significant portion of injuries and fatalities in agriculture. This webinar looks at why young people are uniquely vulnerable to farm hazards. We will review child labor laws and resources for legally employing youth in agriculture. You'll learn about equipment risks, and key safety practices to prevent farm incidents. We'll…

Farm Robotics: Revolutionizing Agricultural Practices

Naveen Uppalapati, Research Scientist, Center for Digital Agriculture, UIUC

Naveen will focus on the transformative impact of robotics in agriculture. This session will highlight the latest innovations in agricultural robots, including planting, harvesting, and monitoring robots. Attendees will learn about the benefits and challenges of integrating robots into farm operations and the future of robotic technology in agriculture.

Addressing Mental Stress & Health in Agriculture

Farming and ranching are filled with stressors like financial pressures, uncertain conditions, long hours, and social isolation. This webinar focuses on mental health challenges common in agriculture and ways to foster resilience and wellbeing. We will discuss signs and symptoms of conditions like anxiety, depression, and suicide risk. You'll gain strategies for managing stress, building…

Economics of Adopting Weeding Robots

Shadi Attallah, Associate Professor, Agricultural and Consumer Economics, UIUC

Shadi will examine the economic aspects of adopting weeding robots on farms. This session will cover how robot prices, corn prices, the robot weeding efficacy, and a farmer’s planning horizon affect how many robots to adopt and to what extent weeding robots can increase farm profitability and reduce weed resistance to herbicides.

Resources for Farmers in Crisis

When injury, illness, or natural disasters strike, farmers and ranchers need help to continue operating. This webinar highlights two key resources for farmers in crisis. We will explain the Farm Rescue program which plants, harvests, hauls, and does chores for free when farmers have an emergency. We'll also cover the AgrAbility program helping agriculture workers…

Future of Ag Safety: How AI Will Transform Agriculture

This final webinar looks ahead at emerging technologies and innovations that will transform safety in agriculture. We will showcase cutting-edge research around autonomous equipment, wearable tech, telematics, and digital training tools. You'll gain insights into how these futuristic solutions could monitor risks, prevent incidents, and improve health outcomes for agricultural workers. We'll discuss how farmers,…

Bridging the Gap: Technology Adoption in Small Holder Farms

Gregory Bernard, Assistant Professor of Plant and Soil Science, Tuskegee University

Gregory will discuss the unique challenges and opportunities smallholder farms face in adopting new technologies. This session will explore practical solutions and case studies of successful technology integration in small-scale farming. Attendees will learn about the barriers to adoption and strategies to overcome them.

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