How Green Economy Metrics Have Failed the Renewable Fuel Standard October 5, 2012 Jody M. Endres and Daniel Szewczyk
Relative Importance of Price vs. Yield variability in Crop Revenue Risk October 12, 2012 Bruce J. Sherrick
The Increasing Waistline of the Deferred Tax Monster October 19, 2012 Bradley L. Zwilling and Dwight D. Raab
Landowner and Farmer Returns under Share Rental Arrangements with Differing Prices October 23, 2012 Gary Schnitkey
More on Position Limits, Excessive Speculation and the Dodd-Frank Act October 24, 2012 Paul E. Peterson
Still More on Position Limits, Excessive Speculation and the Dodd-Frank Act October 31, 2012 Paul E. Peterson