How Much Will Falling Gasoline Prices Affect Ethanol and Corn Demand? December 4, 2014 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
Base Acre and Yield Updating Tool: A Release of Spreadsheet to Aid in Making Farm Bill Decisions December 9, 2014 Gary Schnitkey
Prospects for Ethanol Production Profits Dim as Gasoline Prices Plummet December 11, 2014 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
Choosing Between Base Acre Allocation Alternatives December 16, 2014 Gary Schnitkey, Nick Paulson, and Jonathan Coppess
Electing ARC and Using SCO December 17, 2014 Nick Paulson, Jonathan Coppess, Gary Schnitkey and Carl Zulauf
ARC-CO and PLC Payment Indicator for 2014 Crop Year: December 2014 WASDE U.S. Yield and Price December 18, 2014 Carl Zulauf and Gary Schnitkey
Profit Margins for Dairy Producers Continue Negative Trend in 2013, Likely to Turn Positive in 2014 December 19, 2014 Bradley L. Zwilling, Brandy M. Krapf and Dwight D. Raab
Documenting Yields for Updating Under the 2014 Farm Bill Using RMA Records December 23, 2014 Gary Schnitkey, Nick Paulson, Jonathan Coppess and Carl Zulauf
IFES 2014: Can One Monster Crop End the New Era of Grain Prices? December 31, 2014 Scott Irwin, Darrel Good, and John Newton