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Brazilian farmers are expected to harvest 4,561 million bushels of corn in the 2023/24 season, including the country’s first, second, and third crops. That total would be 12% less than last year’s record harvest, according to Conab, but would still will be the second-largest crop Brazil has ever produced. The expected reduction in total corn production is mainly attributed to smaller acreage and lower yields in the second crop, which accounts for about 75% of the national production.
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Based on the June 30 crop condition report, total U.S. soybean production is estimated to be 4.4 billion bushels with a range from 4.3 billion to 4.6 billion bushels. The national soybean yield is estimated to be 51.9 bu/ac with a range from 50.1 to 53.7 bu/ac. However, it is still early in the growing season, so readers should expect changes to the estimates as the season progresses and perhaps even significant changes depending on the amount of rain received over the growing season.
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Climate Smart Agriculture is a promising paradigm for addressing environmental challenges by increasing productivity, enhancing resilience, and reducing emissions. However, the definition and assessment of CSA practices lack standardization, hindering their widespread adoption and effective implementation. A consistent, widely applicable, and standardized framework for assessing CSA will facilitate informed decision-making, improve resource allocation, and enhance stakeholder collaboration.
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This farmdoc daily article is not an exhaustive examination, but sizable demand for capital intensive projects in the transportation, energy, supply chain, and artificial intelligence sectors; a declining US saving rate; and cooling in international investor demand for US Federal Debt suggest that, even if inflation declines to the Federal Reserve’s target rate of 2%, US interest rates may need to remain high to supply current and near future US demand for capital.
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In recent months, corn and soybean prices have trended lower, leading to questions about longer-run prices. Recent price patterns suggest that 2021 through 2023 was a transitory period of higher…
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Total U.S. corn production is estimated to be 14.99 billion bushels, based on 6/30/24 crop conditions, with a range from 14.58 billion to 15.40 billion bushels. The national corn yield is estimated to be 179.7 bushels/acre with a range from 174.8 to 184.6 bu/ac. However, it is still early in the growing season, so readers should expect changes to the estimates as the season progresses and perhaps even significant changes depending on the amount of rain received over the growing season.
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This farmdoc daily article compares crop yields, gross revenue, total expense, and net returns for conventional and organic corn and soybeans. Consistent with previous work, organic corn and soybean enterprises had lower crop yields, higher crop prices and gross revenue, and higher net returns. However, there was a much wider difference in enterprise net returns among organic corn and soybean enterprises than there was among conventional corn and soybean enterprises.
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