Profitability and Conservation Practices: Results from Precision Conservation Management

Profitability and Conservation Practices: Results from Precision Conservation Management
September 7, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm CDT
Precision Conservation Management (PCM) has collected and analyzed production data on Illinois farms since 2015, with additional data from farms in Kentucky and Nebraska. In this webinar, Megan Miller (IL Soybean Association), Laura Gentry and, Greg Goodwin (IL Corn Growers Association), and Gary Schnitkey (University of Illinois) will share results from PCM’s extensive dataset, providing valuable insights for farmers interested in implementing conservation practices.
We will discuss:
- Which cover crop practices are the most profitable?
- What are the latest findings on tillage?
- How does nitrogen management affect profitability and the environment?
- How (and should) farmers consider participating in the newest climate and carbon initiatives?
PCM is a farmer-focused program led by the Illinois Corn Growers Association and Illinois Soybean Association. PCM’s objective is to provide one-on-one guidance to farmers across Illinois as they make financially sound conservation decisions for their operations. This webinar will demonstrate PCM’s success in helping farmers implement precision conservation practices that benefit their bottom line.
For more information about Precision Conservation Management (PCM) visit them at