Assessing Brazilian Soybean Yield Risks: Historical Deviations from Trend January 12, 2017 Todd Hubbs, Scott Irwin, and Darrel Good
Assessing Argentina Soybean Yield Risks: Historical Deviations from Trend January 26, 2017 Todd Hubbs, Scott Irwin, and Darrel Good
Forming Expectations for the 2017 Brazil and Argentina Corn and Soybean Yields: The Impact of La Niña February 22, 2017 Todd Hubbs, Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
Using the Soybean-to-Corn Price Ratio to Predict Corn and Soybean March Planting Intentions March 8, 2017 Todd Hubbs and Darrel Good
Large South American Corn and Soybean Crop Forecasts Place Pressure on Prices March 13, 2017 Todd Hubbs
Implications of the Prospective Planting Acreage and Grain Stocks for Corn and Soybeans April 3, 2017 Todd Hubbs
Will the Shift in Soybean Acreage Impact National Yield in 2017? A State-Level Trend Analysis April 19, 2017 Todd Hubbs, Scott Irwin, and Darrel Good
U.S. Soybean Yield Trends for Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Production May 3, 2017 Scott Irwin , Todd Hubbs, and Darrel Good
What’s Driving the Non-Linear Trend in U.S. Average Soybean Yields? May 10, 2017 Scott Irwin , Todd Hubbs, and Darrel Good
The Role of Weather in the Pattern of Corn Prices over Time June 14, 2017 Scott Irwin, Darrel Good, and Todd Hubbs
Interpreting USDA’s Net Farm Income Forecast August 25, 2017 Todd Kuethe, Todd Hubbs and Dwight Sanders
Interpreting USDA’s Recent Farm Income Forecast August 31, 2017 Todd Kuethe, Todd Hubbs, and Dwight Sanders
Expectations for Corn and Soybean Prices over the Next Five Years October 17, 2017 Gary Schnitkey and Todd Hubbs
Interpreting USDA’s November Farm Income Forecast November 29, 2017 Todd Kuethe, Todd Hubbs and Dwight Sanders