The US Safety Net, Crop Profitability, and a Floor on Cost of Production July 22, 2020 Carl Zulauf, Gary Schnitkey, and Michael Langemeier
The Accuracy of Early Season Crop Weather Model Forecasts of the U.S. Average Soybean Yield July 23, 2020 Scott Irwin and Todd Hubbs
The Food-Energy-Water Nexus and Emerging Agricultural Technologies July 24, 2020 Ruiqing Miao and Madhu Khanna
Using Preliminary FSA Data to Project Final Prevented Plant Acreage for Corn, Soybeans, and All Crops August 20, 2020 Scott Irwin and Todd Hubbs
Using Preliminary FSA Data to Project Final Planted Acreage for Corn and Soybeans August 27, 2020 Scott Irwin and Todd Hubbs
How Do Adverse Planting Conditions Affect Crop Insurance Payment Timing? September 2, 2020 Holly Enowski, Scott Gerlt, Ashley Hungerford
Corn vs. Soybean Storage at the US Market Level, 1974-2017 September 9, 2020 Carl Zulauf and Sanghyo Kim
Reimagining the Cornerstone of Agricultural Research October 28, 2020 Carl Zulauf, Jonathan Coppess, Nick Paulson, Gary Schnitkey, Krista Swanson, and Joe Janzen
China’s Imports of Meat and Dairy during the 21st Century December 14, 2020 Carl Zulauf, David Orden, Allan Lines and Ben Brown
The Impact of Preseason La Niña Episodes on Corn and Soybean Yields in Brazil and Argentina December 17, 2020 Scott Irwin
Economic Review of Milk Costs in 2019 and Projections for the Rest of 2020 and 2021 December 18, 2020 Bradley Zwilling