Should Sweat Equity be Used to Compensate a Returning Family Member? January 13, 2017 Michael Langemeier
Trends in Working Capital and Financial Solvency January 20, 2017 Bradley Zwilling, Dwight Raab and Brandy Krapf
Agricultural Debt Continues to Increase February 17, 2017 Brandy Krapf, Dwight Raab and Bradley Zwilling
The Deferred Tax Monster May 19, 2017 Brandy Krapf, Dwight Raab, Bradley Zwilling and Bailey Fletcher
Interpreting USDA’s Net Farm Income Forecast August 25, 2017 Todd Kuethe, Todd Hubbs and Dwight Sanders
Interpreting USDA’s Recent Farm Income Forecast August 31, 2017 Todd Kuethe, Todd Hubbs, and Dwight Sanders
Evaluating Your Capital Debt Repayment Capacity November 17, 2017 Brandy Krapf, Dwight Raab, and Bradley Zwilling
Forecast of 2017 Net Income on Grain Farms in Illinois: Lower than in 2016 but Better Than Expected November 21, 2017 Gary Schnitkey
Interpreting USDA’s November Farm Income Forecast November 29, 2017 Todd Kuethe, Todd Hubbs and Dwight Sanders