Investments in Brazilian Grain Transportation Shrink U.S. Logistical Advantage January 19, 2022 Joana Colussi and Gary Schnitkey
Comparing Brazilian (1st and 2nd Crops), American, and Argentine Corn Yields January 12, 2022 Carl Zulauf, Joana Colussi, and Gary Schnitkey
IFES 2021: 2022 Market Outlook for Corn and Soybeans: Part I, Export Sales December 27, 2021 Scott Irwin and Joe Janzen
Brazil Starts Planting Grain Crop with Forecast of a New Record September 22, 2021 Joana Colussi and Gary Schnitkey
Using Preliminary August FSA Data to Project Final 2021 Planted Acreage for Corn and Soybeans September 2, 2021 Scott Irwin
Brazil Likely to Remain World Leader in Soybean Production July 12, 2021 Joana Colussi and Gary Schnitkey
Variability of Exports for Large Corn, Soybean, and Wheat Exporters July 7, 2021 Carl Zulauf, Gary Schnitkey, Krista Swanson, and Nick Paulson
Safrinha Corn Projections Shrink as Prices in Brazil Hit Record High June 30, 2021 Joana Colussi and Gary Schnitkey
Soybeans Bringing Record Prices and Historical Exports in Brazil May 26, 2021 Joana Colussi and Gary Schnitkey
Chances of Lower Harvest Time Prices on Corn and Soybeans Futures Contracts in 2021 May 11, 2021 Gary Schnitkey, Carl Zulauf, Krista Swanson, and Nick Paulson
The Relationship of USDA Planted Acreage Revisions for Corn and Soybeans to Prevented Plant Acreage April 28, 2021 Scott Irwin
The Relationship of USDA Planted Acreage Revisions for Corn and Soybeans to Changes in Price and Planting Progress April 21, 2021 Scott Irwin
Just How Surprising Was the Prospective Plantings Report for Corn and Soybeans? April 7, 2021 Scott Irwin
Recapping USDA’s March 1 Grain Stocks and 2021 Prospective Planting Reports April 5, 2021 Ben Brown and Carl Zulauf
50 Years of Little Change: The Distribution of US Farming by State March 15, 2021 Carl Zulauf and Ben Brown
Concentration and Diversification in World Corn, Soybean, and Wheat Exports February 1, 2021 Carl Zulauf, Ben Brown, David Orden, Gary Schnitkey, Krista Swanson, Nick Paulson, and Jonathan Coppess
US Farm Programs and Distribution of Principal Crop Acres by State January 28, 2021 Carl Zulauf, Gary Schnitkey, Krista Swanson, and Nick Paulson
The Impact of Preseason La Niña Episodes on Corn and Soybean Yields in Brazil and Argentina December 17, 2020 Scott Irwin
How Do Adverse Planting Conditions Affect Crop Insurance Payment Timing? September 2, 2020 Holly Enowski, Scott Gerlt, Ashley Hungerford
Using Preliminary FSA Data to Project Final Planted Acreage for Corn and Soybeans August 27, 2020 Scott Irwin and Todd Hubbs
Using Preliminary FSA Data to Project Final Prevented Plant Acreage for Corn, Soybeans, and All Crops August 20, 2020 Scott Irwin and Todd Hubbs
The Accuracy of Early Season Crop Weather Model Forecasts of the U.S. Average Soybean Yield July 23, 2020 Scott Irwin and Todd Hubbs
The US Safety Net, Crop Profitability, and a Floor on Cost of Production July 22, 2020 Carl Zulauf, Gary Schnitkey, and Michael Langemeier
The Accuracy of Early Season Crop Weather Model Forecasts of the U.S. Average Corn Yield July 16, 2020 Scott Irwin and Todd Hubbs
Land Retirement – Part II: US Role in World Crop Markets and Effectiveness of Retiring US Land July 1, 2020 Carl Zulauf, Nick Paulson, Jonathan Coppess, Gary Schnitkey, and Krista Swanson
Unconditional vs. Conditional Trend Estimates for U.S. Corn and Soybeans June 25, 2020 Scott Irwin and Todd Hubbs
How Sensitive Are Trend Yield Projections for U.S. Soybeans to the Starting Year of the Estimation Period? June 18, 2020 Scott Irwin and Todd Hubbs