2014 ARC-CO Payments: Release of 2014 County Yields November 10, 2015 Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, Nick Paulson and Carl Zulauf
ARC-CO and PLC Payment Indicators for 2015 Crop Year, October WASDE October 23, 2015 Carl Zulauf, Jonathan Coppess, Nick Paulson and Gary Schnitkey
When Creating 2016 Budgets, Keep In Mind Family Living Costs October 16, 2015 Brandy Krapf, Dwight Raab, and Bradley Zwilling
Taking Losses on Cash Rent Farmland to Avoid Losing Farmland: A Risky Strategy October 13, 2015 Gary Schnitkey
Significant Reductions in Working Capital Likely in 2015 on Grain Farms October 6, 2015 Gary Schnitkey
Decreasing 2016 Cash Rents on Professionally Managed Farmland and Lags in Cash Rent Changes September 22, 2015 Gary Schnitkey
What Happens When Food Marketers Require Restrictive Farming Practices? September 2, 2015 Tina L. Saitone, Richard J. Sexton, and Daniel A. Sumner
Commodity Program and Crop Insurance Payments Down as a Percent of Crop Revenue August 25, 2015 Gary Schnitkey
Soybean Prevented Planted Acres: Historical Background and Implications for 2015 June 29, 2015 Gary Schnitkey
Cost to Produce Corn and Soybeans in Illinois – 2014 June 19, 2015 Brandy Krapf, Dwight Raab, and Bradley Zwilling
Perspectives on Commodity Program Choices Under the 2014 Farm Bill June 16, 2015 Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, Nick Paulson and Carl Zulauf
2015 Gross Revenues for Corn: Likely Characteristics of Low, Middle and High Revenue Years April 28, 2015 Gary Schnitkey
Projected 2015 Corn Revenue with Comparisons to Revenues from 2010 to 2014 April 21, 2015 Gary Schnitkey
Costs and Returns for Illinois Beef Producers in 2013 April 17, 2015 Bradley L. Zwilling, Brandy M. Krapf, and Dwight D. Raab
2014 Loss Experience for Revenue Protection on Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat April 14, 2015 Gary Schnitkey
2015 Planting Intentions: Fertilizer, Seed, and Pesticide Manufacturers Dodge a Bullet April 7, 2015 Gary Schnitkey
Program Choice under the 2014 Farm Bill with all Available Price and Yield Information March 24, 2015 Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, Nick Paulson Carl Zulauf