What’s and When’s of Capital Purchases February 20, 2015 Bradley L. Zwilling, Brandy M. Krapf, and Dwight D. Raab
Forecasts of 2015 Market Year Average Prices based on Projected Prices for Crop Insurance February 17, 2015 Gary Schnitkey
Base Acre and Yield Decisions: Just Do It February 10, 2015 Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, Nick Paulson and Carl Zulauf
Premium Costs of Supplemental Coverage Option Compared to Enterprise Unit Premium February 3, 2015 Gary Schnitkey and Nick Paulson
Expected Payments from ARC-CO and PLC January 27, 2015 Gary Schnitkey Jonathan Coppess, Nick Paulson and Carl Zulauf
Base Acre and Yield Updating Decisions: Push to the Finish January 21, 2015 Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, Nick Paulson and Carl Zulauf
Yield Exclusion: Description and Guidance January 13, 2015 Gary Schnitkey, Bruce Sherrick, and Jonathan Coppess
Profit Margins for Dairy Producers Continue Negative Trend in 2013, Likely to Turn Positive in 2014 December 19, 2014 Bradley L. Zwilling, Brandy M. Krapf and Dwight D. Raab
Choosing Between Base Acre Allocation Alternatives December 16, 2014 Gary Schnitkey, Nick Paulson, and Jonathan Coppess
Base Acre and Yield Updating Tool: A Release of Spreadsheet to Aid in Making Farm Bill Decisions December 9, 2014 Gary Schnitkey
Discussion of Fixed Cash Lease (Short Form for One Year) November 25, 2014 Donald L. Uchtmann and Gary Schnitkey
Overview of Commodity Program Decisions from the 2014 Farm Bill November 18, 2014 Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, and Nick Paulson and Carl Zulauf
Lower Fuel Prices Unlikely to have Large Impact on Non-Land Corn and Soybean Costs November 11, 2014 Gary Schnitkey
With Tightening Margins, Keep in Mind Family Living October 17, 2014 Bradley L. Zwilling, Brandy M. Krapf, and Dwight D. Raab
ARC-CO and PLC Payment Indicator for 2014 Crop Year: October 2014 WASDE U.S. Yield and Price October 14, 2014 Carl Zulauf and Gary Schnitkey
Farm Bill Decision Deadlines and the Farm Bill Toolbox September 30, 2014 Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, and Nick Paulson
Farmers and Small Farms Can Maximize Tax Savings from Health Insurance Costs September 24, 2014 Marc Lovell
Farmland Price Outlook in 2014 and Beyond August 19, 2014 Gary Schnitkey, Todd Kuethe and Bruce Sherrick
Corn and Soybeans in 2013 and 2014: Release of 2013 Costs and Reassessment of 2014 Returns July 1, 2014 Gary Schnitkey