Comparing Current and 1970 Farm Prosperity: Cash Income and Real Estate April 5, 2013 Carl Zulauf and Nick Rettig
Ethanol Blending Margins, RFS2 Compliance, and the Price of Gasoline April 3, 2013 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
High Gasoline and Ethanol RINs Prices: Is There a Connection? March 27, 2013 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
The Ethanol Blend Wall, Biodiesel Production Capacity, and the RFS…Something Has to Give February 13, 2013 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
Successful Legal Challenge to Renewable Fuel Standard Likely to Have Minimal Long-Term Impact on Biofuels January 30, 2013 Jody M. Endres and A. Bryan Endres
Management Review of 2012…While Looking Forward to 2013 January 18, 2013 Bradley L. Zwilling and Dwight D. Raab
Does the Biodiesel Tax Credit Change the Advanced Biofuels Landscape? January 10, 2013 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
Management Review of 2012 – Consider the Role of Advisers to Your Farm Business November 16, 2012 Bradley L. Zwilling and Dwight D. Raab
Crop Insurance and Rental Arrangements: Lessons from the 2012 Drought November 13, 2012 Gary Schnitkey
Relative Importance of Price vs. Yield variability in Crop Revenue Risk October 12, 2012 Bruce J. Sherrick
The Impending Collision of Biofuels Mandates with Market Reality September 26, 2012 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
The Nested Structure of the RFS2 Biofuel Mandate and RIN Values September 20, 2012 Nick Paulson and Seth Meyer
RIN Values: What Do They Tell Us about the Impact of Biofuel Mandates? September 6, 2012 Seth Meyer and Nick Paulson
An Update on RIN Stocks and Implications for Meeting the RFS2 Mandates with Corn Ethanol August 1, 2012 Nick Paulson and Seth Meyer
Definitional Debates and Uncertainty for Would-be Biofuel Producers May 2, 2012 A. Bryan Endres, James McCubbins and Lauren D. Quinn
Is the Ethanol Mandate Truly a Mandate? An Estimate of Banked RINs Stocks March 15, 2012 Nick Paulson
An Annual Look at the Components of Management Returns for Illinois Grain Farms February 29, 2012 Nick Paulson
A Follow Up on the Persistence of Management Returns: Yields and Prices February 16, 2012 Nick Paulson
Persistence in Management Returns for Illinois Grain Farms, 2005-2009 December 8, 2011 Nick Paulson and Xijie Lu
Supreme Court Blocks Federal Common Law Public Nuisance Claims for Greenhouse Gas Emissions June 28, 2011 A. Bryan Endres
Miscanthus Incentive Program Will Further Understanding of Environmental and Societal Impacts of Energy Biomass Systems June 21, 2011 Jody M. Endres