Trying to Reason with Price Forecasts and Program Decisions March 11, 2015 Jonathan Coppess, Gary Schnitkey, Nick Paulson, John Newton
The ARC-CO vs. PLC Decision: CBO and Another Look at Prices February 18, 2015 Jonathan Coppess, Gary Schnitkey, Nick Paulson and Carl Zulauf
Base Acre and Yield Decisions: Just Do It February 10, 2015 Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, Nick Paulson and Carl Zulauf
Premium Costs of Supplemental Coverage Option Compared to Enterprise Unit Premium February 3, 2015 Gary Schnitkey and Nick Paulson
Expected Payments from ARC-CO and PLC January 27, 2015 Gary Schnitkey Jonathan Coppess, Nick Paulson and Carl Zulauf
Base Acre and Yield Updating Decisions: Push to the Finish January 21, 2015 Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, Nick Paulson and Carl Zulauf
An Update on the Farm Bill Toolbox and Farm Bill Decisions January 15, 2015 Jonathan Coppess, Gary Schnitkey, Nick Paulson and Carl Zulauf
Documenting Yields for Updating Under the 2014 Farm Bill Using RMA Records December 23, 2014 Gary Schnitkey, Nick Paulson, Jonathan Coppess and Carl Zulauf
Electing ARC and Using SCO December 17, 2014 Nick Paulson, Jonathan Coppess, Gary Schnitkey and Carl Zulauf
Choosing Between Base Acre Allocation Alternatives December 16, 2014 Gary Schnitkey, Nick Paulson, and Jonathan Coppess
The Forgotten Variable: Yield and the Choice of Farm Program Option November 20, 2014 Carl Zulauf Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, and Nick Paulson
Overview of Commodity Program Decisions from the 2014 Farm Bill November 18, 2014 Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, and Nick Paulson and Carl Zulauf
Payment Yield Update – A Third Option October 31, 2014 Carl Zulauf, Gary Schnitkey, Nick Paulson, and Jonathan Coppess
Comparing ARC-CO to PLC: APAS Sample Farms and the ARC-CO – PLC Comparison Tool October 16, 2014 Gary Schnitkey, Nick Paulson Jonathan Coppess and Carl Zulauf
Information for 2014 Farm Bill Decisions October 7, 2014 Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, and Nick Paulson and Carl Zulauf
Farm Bill Decision Deadlines and the Farm Bill Toolbox September 30, 2014 Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, and Nick Paulson
ARC-PLC Regulation and Decision Tools September 25, 2014 Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, Nick Paulson and Carl Zulauf
2014 Farm Bill Decisions: Program Choice – A Big Picture Perspective September 11, 2014 Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, and Nick Paulson
2014 Farm Bill Decisions: Payment Limits and Adjusted Gross Income Eligibility August 21, 2014 Carl Zulauf, Jonathan Coppess, Gary Schnitkey, and Nick Paulson
2014 Farm Bill Decisions: Base Acre Reallocation Option July 24, 2014 Carl Zulauf, Nick Paulson, Jonathan Coppess, and Gary Schnitkey
2014 Farm Bill Decisions: Payment Yield Update Option July 11, 2014 Nick Paulson, Jonathan Coppess, Gary Schnitkey and Todd Kuethe
2014 Farm Bill: Estimated Payment Sizes for County ARC and SCO on Soybean Acres in Illinois June 12, 2014 Nick Paulson
2014 Farm Bill: Historical Likelihood of County ARC and SCO Payments for Soybeans in Illinois June 5, 2014 Nick Paulson
2014 Farm Bill: Estimated Payment Sizes for County ARC and SCO for Corn in Illinois May 15, 2014 Nick Paulson
2014 Farm Bill: Historical Likelihood of County ARC and SCO Payments for Corn in Illinois May 8, 2014 Nick Paulson
Further Discussion of the Supplemental Coverage Option April 24, 2014 Nick Paulson and Jonathan Coppess
Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage in the 2014 Farm Bill February 20, 2014 Jonathan Coppess and Nick Paulson
2014 Farm Bill Informational Efforts on farmdoc February 13, 2014 Jonathan Coppess, Nick Paulson, Gary Schnitkey and Carl Zulauf