IFES 2012: Overview and Impacts of Proposed Changes in the 2012 Farm Bill January 4, 2013 Nick Paulson
The Nested Structure of the RFS2 Biofuel Mandate and RIN Values September 20, 2012 Nick Paulson and Seth Meyer
RIN Values: What Do They Tell Us about the Impact of Biofuel Mandates? September 6, 2012 Seth Meyer and Nick Paulson
The Impact of the 2012 Drought on Corn and Soybean Yield Updates for the PLC Program August 23, 2012 Nick Paulson
An Update on RIN Stocks and Implications for Meeting the RFS2 Mandates with Corn Ethanol August 1, 2012 Nick Paulson and Seth Meyer
Comparison of Changes in Program Spending in the Senate and House Farm Bills July 26, 2012 Nick Paulson, Gary Schnitkey and Carl Zulauf
Estimates of Regional Shifts in Commodity Program Support: IL Corn and Soybeans May 4, 2012 Nick Paulson
Annual Management Return Performance for Illinois Grain Farms: Yields and Prices March 28, 2012 Nick Paulson
Is the Ethanol Mandate Truly a Mandate? An Estimate of Banked RINs Stocks March 15, 2012 Nick Paulson
An Annual Look at the Components of Management Returns for Illinois Grain Farms February 29, 2012 Nick Paulson
A Follow Up on the Persistence of Management Returns: Yields and Prices February 16, 2012 Nick Paulson
Persistence in Management Returns for Illinois Grain Farms, 2005-2009 December 8, 2011 Nick Paulson and Xijie Lu
Shift from Income Support to Revenue-Based Risk Management in Farm Programs November 16, 2011 Nick Paulson
More on Price Risk Protection of Government Programs and Crop Insurance October 13, 2011 Nick Paulson