2017 Crop Budgets and Current Prices Say Switch to Soybeans and Expect Low Returns December 6, 2016 Gary Schnitkey and Darrel Good
Break-Even Levels for Corn and Soybeans to Have the Same Profitability September 7, 2016 Gary Schnitkey
Growth Rates of Fertilizer, Pesticide, and Seed Costs over Time July 12, 2016 Gary Schnitkey and Sarah Sellars
Costs and Benefits of Cover Crops: An Example with Cereal Rye July 6, 2016 Gary Schnitkey, Jonathan Coppess, and Nick Paulson
Changes in Yields, Acres, and Prices of Cereal Grains over Time in the United States June 7, 2016 Gary Schnitkey
Does More Corn = More Profit for 2015??? May 20, 2016 Bradley Zwilling, Dwight Raab, and Brandy Krapf
Soybean Planting Decision in 2016: Are Soybeans-After-Soybeans Profitable? March 15, 2016 Gary Schnitkey
Corn versus Soybean Returns: 2016 Projections with Historical Comparisons February 16, 2016 Gary Schnitkey
Commodity Program and Crop Insurance Payments Down as a Percent of Crop Revenue August 25, 2015 Gary Schnitkey
2015 Gross Revenues for Corn: Likely Characteristics of Low, Middle and High Revenue Years April 28, 2015 Gary Schnitkey
Projected 2015 Corn Revenue with Comparisons to Revenues from 2010 to 2014 April 21, 2015 Gary Schnitkey
2015 Planting Intentions: Fertilizer, Seed, and Pesticide Manufacturers Dodge a Bullet April 7, 2015 Gary Schnitkey