Revisiting the Estimation of Biomass-Based Diesel Supply Curves July 26, 2017 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
Blender and Producer Sharing of Retroactively Reinstated Biodiesel Tax Credits: Time for a Change? April 5, 2017 Scott Irwin
An Alternative View of Biodiesel Production Profits: The Role of Retroactively Reinstated Blender Tax Credits March 29, 2017 Scott Irwin
The Profitability of Biodiesel Production in 2016: Feasting on an Expiring Tax Credit? July 27, 2016 Scott Irwin
More on the Competitive Position of Ethanol as an Octane Enhancer February 17, 2016 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
The Competitive Position of Ethanol as an Octane Enhancer February 3, 2016 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
Questioning the Final RFS Rule, Part 3: Reasonableness of the Interpretation January 22, 2016 Jonathan Coppess
The New Upside-Down Relationship of Ethanol and Gasoline Prices January 13, 2016 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
IFES 2015: The Outlook for Conventional Biofuels is Brighter than You Think December 30, 2015 Scott Irwin
Why are Gasoline and Diesel Prices So High? (Relative to Crude Oil Prices) October 8, 2015 Scott Irwin
Ethanol Production Profits: The Risk from Lower Prices of Distillers Grains March 12, 2015 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
What if the EPA Implements RFS Mandates for Renewable Fuels at Statutory Levels? February 19, 2015 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
Further Evidence on the Competitiveness of Ethanol in Gasoline Blends January 30, 2015 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
Prospects for Ethanol Production Profits Dim as Gasoline Prices Plummet December 11, 2014 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
How Much Will Falling Gasoline Prices Affect Ethanol and Corn Demand? December 4, 2014 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
Do Falling Gasoline Prices Threaten the Competitiveness of Ethanol? November 12, 2014 Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
Shifting Trade Patterns and Higher Crude Oil Prices Brighten Prospects for U.S. Ethanol and Corn June 18, 2014 Darrel Good and Scott Irwin